Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Catch Up!

So....I have let some time pass since my last post. Boo for me right?! Well as usual things are busy at the Pierce household. We have had meltdowns, beat downs, let downs, and a whole barrel of things that have happened since the last time I've posted. It's all good though.
Lets see.  Where do I start? Well I guess I will start with Dr. Poops! As I told you Shiloh had been having bouts with chronic poops. We went to our pediatrician who referred us to "Dr. Poops" and he sent us on a wave of tests. Thankfully all tests came back normal. Shiloh is now doing his business as a normal toddler should.
The cabin we rented in Mentone, AL
We also took a vacation to Mentone, Alabama! It was Shiloh's first time ever to go to Mentone. He had a blast. We took his Nana , Gigi, and Papa T! We had a nice relaxing time out in the woods. We took a day trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee one of the days we were there. We all had a really good time and it was nice to be able to share it all with family.
Shiloh at the Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga, TN
We've had my husband Charles' 20 year high school reunion. If you want a reality check , then go to your 20 year reunion. Nothing says, "Hey you are a middle aged mother/father that can't stay up past 10 p.m. anymore and are officially old!" like a high school reunion does!
We had a spring cleaning yard sale! I got rid of clutter and some of Shiloh's toys and clothes he has outgrown. I made a few bucks too! Cha-ching!
Finally, the saga concludes with little man taking his first swim lessons! Ohh wee! He is a water bug! He loves it. This is something we are definitely going to continue.
That about brings you up to speed...oh I forgot! I said there were meltdowns and beat downs. Since the last time we visited my mischief making little boy has proven that there will be no dull moments in his child rearing. Shiloh has managed to take off a dirty diaper himself and throw it across the hall and then proceed to pee in my living room. Yuck! He has managed to open a bottle of baby wash and pour out all the contents while running through the house. Try cleaning that up! He's gotten stuck under our couch trying to get a toy he has lost. He has tortured my two dogs in delight by chasing them and taunting them with screams and laughter. He has broken numerous sippy cups by throwing them to the ground. There are probably other little tidbits I've forgotten, but give me a break it's early.
 Through it all I have loved every minute of it. I love my little boy and I wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe the fact he is a early riser. Five o'clock every morning! Really!?!